Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Madison's tricycle......

We had decided that this 'summer' we would get Madi a tricycle. We thought she might be a bit young for a 'real' bike and since she had never ridden one before figured we would start with a tricycle. We don't have a lot of places to 'drive' it here. There is a park near our house with a basketball court ( but it was still covered with snow) so we took her to the pool parking lot ( that is where people take their kids to bike.. weird I know.. but its something they do here! ) and let her bike around. She loved it! It is taking her a bit to get used to peddling, and it doesn't really help at all that there are still so many rocks from the winter and she gets stuck on them.. but she is slowly getting the hang of it!

I went to ToysRUs when I was in Revelstoke, and picked it up cause the shipping is horrible fromt that store, and they just counted it as my extra piece of luggage. We put it together after she was in bed and than suprised her in the morning with it! Check out her face!

She was so excited!! It is totally the one I had when I was growing up.. even down to the red/white streamers on the handles!
(check out Lily's face in this picture.. !!)

Super excited!

Riding it at the parking lot

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