Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Monday, December 04, 2006

Madison and her oatmeal!

Madison LOVES her oatmeal. Just before we left our old apartment ( you can see boxes in the process of being packed in the background) I decided to let Madi investigate her oatmeal bowl and grabbed the camera to capture it! She loved being able to put her hands in a squish it all around and then shove her hand into her mouth and try to lick it off her fingers! It was a fun game until she started to throw the oatmeal.. then I put a stop to it! "oooohhh.. what's in the bowl"
"its all squishy"
I'm going back for more" Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Monika said...

Very cute pictures, she really really looks to be enjoying that oatmeal!