Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Me and my Mama!

I found this picture when I was going through pictures ( trying to organize but got lost reminiscing and the pictures are all still in their respective shoeboxes!!...isn't that always the way!) I can't figure out why I even have this picture cause I am sure it came from Mom and Dad's house. It is a picture of me at about the same age Madi is now (13 1/2 months) My mom was pregnant with Becky and I look thrilled eh!! You can't really see head on my face...but boy does Madi look like me eh!! And isn't my mom beautiful!!! Posted by Picasa


Becky said...

I have never seen that picture before, but I love it. Mom looks beautiful, you're on the outside, and I'm on the inside! Weird!!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

hey there Belle
I love that picture, and you DO look like Madi...or Madi looks like YOU!!!
love you