Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Monday, February 26, 2007

Chili con taco chip!

Madison loves chili..well.. pretty much Madi loves anything!! But I had made taco soup ( Uncle Sam's recipe.. its like a mexican chili) and Madi loves it. I thought it would be too hot but she loves it.. must be the S. American in her!! Of course it gets everywhere.. so we usually have it on bath night!! And we gave her a taco chip to try.. loved it too!! Why do babies automatically put their hands into their hair when they are dirty???

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Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! Makes me what some chili con taco chip!!!!!! Auntie Sheila

Kandace said...

I am writing that down in my 'advice from other moms' book. Have messy things to eat on bath night. Good thinking!
p.s. we just changed our internet to high speed which means I won't be saving the few minutes that the wireless works for updating my blog - I have time to read!! Wahoo!