Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Saturday, January 20, 2007

2 tiny steps... one big accomplishment

Well.. its official...we have a little walker on our hands.... yesterday night Madison took her first steps. David and I were sitting across from each other and letting her use our arms to walk between us.. which she is getting really good at. But at one point I balanced her and let her stand by herself and then she took two steps towards David and got so excited that we were excited and promptly fell to her bum and it was over... she had found another toy to play with and left David and I to celebrate our baby girls first steps by herself!!!!
sidenote: the pic is not of Madi.. of course we had no camera ready! Posted by Picasa


Monika said...

YOU of all people did not have your camera ready?? I'm shocked! :-)
Congrats to Madi for taking her first steps, woohoo you go, girl!
I'm sure there will be some pics to come of her walking...

Anonymous said...

Hurray for Madi!!
It won't be long before 2 steps turn into 4 then 6 then life will really change - glad it's you and not me! I'm happy to wait a while longer.

Anonymous said...

Yeahhhhhhhhhh Madi!! What a big girl-you are walking already!!!!!
Just wait, Anne. Soon Madi will be running and racing all over the place!!! Enjoy!!
Love you, Auntie Sheila xoxoxox