Since we are officially staying in Yellowknife for at least another year we needed to go out and buy Madi a snowsuit so she can survive the frigid temperatures! ( let me say this before I continue.. it is 100 times easier to deal with winter garb when your baby still fits snugly in their little cozy bag that slips into the car seat... add one strong willed child plus a snowsuit to the mix and you are looking at 10 extra minutes of "get ready time" before heading out!!!) We weren't sure if we should get a full piece or a two piece ( i sound like i am talking about a bathing suit eh!) snowsuit but I found this cute one at the grocery store and couldn't resist. It is 2 pieces and is good for the days that we won't really be outside except for running from car to store... The jacket is 12 months but still extremely big on her.. but we have a lot of winter to go through!!! The mittens snap on and can't get lost but she gets annoyed with them cause she can't grab anything when she is wearing them and i won't even get started on trying to get her into the car seat with it on!! Picture this though... a child who doesn't particularily like being restrained by the carseat to begin with and then add in a bulky the picture!!! Anyway...i still think it is so cute.... i 'll let you know how the snowpants work when we try them!!!
I know what you mean about bulky snowsuits and the car seat. Rebecca hates the car seat and is not fond of the snowsuit either!
So Snowsuit+Car seat = 1 Unhappy baby!
Too cute!! I remember those days!!
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