Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Yummy Dutch breakfast

Ok ok.. i know that this isn't a picture of me, David or even Madison but I was just introduced to this delectable treat this week by David and had to share. Most of you are aware of the Mobach's Mocha cake and have probably seen this sprinkle's make an appearance there but did you know they have even more uses??!!! Apparently in Holland you eat them on your toast in the morning for breakfast....hello..where has this been all my life ( not the best thing for getting rid of post-pregnancy pounds... but soooooo gooooood) My mom sent us a package last week and including some of these in it for David ( there is a dutch bakery in Revelstoke that carries them ) and David ate them for breakfast and let me try some....big mistake!! Now he has to share his sprinkles with me!!! What a yummy treat... but don't think you can throw any old chocolate sprinkles on white toast and it will be the same... no these are actually from Holland and are real chocolate!!! Sooooo yummy.... I am so glad that I married a dutch man!!!

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