Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My girls.......

Here are some pics from the last few weeks of my little girls!!!

My Lily!!!... she was going back and forth between David and I 'stealing' bites of cheesecake when David caught this amazing picture!!! She how mischievous she looks!!!

Another little monkey!

Lily in the bath! She was having a 'hate the bath day' so Madi thought she would make her feel better and make a soap sculpture on her head... you can tell by her face.. that it didn't go over well!!!

This is literally how my sweet little Madi sleeps. She used to have Ziggy ( the big giraffe ) at the end of her bed but decided that poor Ziggy needed to be under the covers, closer to her! The sad thing is that at least once a week I am woken up in the middle of the night to a little voice telling me to come into her room and cover up Ziggy cause he 'is getting cold with no covers'... numerous times I have wanted to say back to her 'he is made of stuffing.. i am sure that he will be ok'!!! But who could deny this little angel!

1 comment:

Monika said...

These are adorable pictures! So cute!! That is funny about Ziggy needing to be covered up at night, not so funny I'm sure though at 3 am when you get called to cover him :)