Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Raincoats and rainboots!!

Although it is hard to believe ( since while I am writing this post it is -8 with a windchill of -16 ) last week it was beautiful for a couple of days.. it even went above 0 people! WOOHOO!! The snow started to melt and we had puddles EVERYWHERE outside. I decided to get Madi a new pair of rainboots instead of trying to argue/convince her that jumping in the puddles was a bad idea! She loved them and wore them in the house for the first day but then never again cause they got all wet and muddy. But of course, her outfit wasn't complete without a raincoat and 'princess' dress! I don't know where she got it from but she has become quite the 'princess' in the last couple of weeks! When David saw her in the outfit, he said " all i can say is that I don't have epilepsy cause all those different patterns/colors would for sure send me into having some sort of episode... don't look directly at the little girl!"

Notice her new boots... so cute with the butterflys!

The whole gitup!

My beautiful girl!

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