Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Dedicated to Jack Bauer

For the last 2 Christmases our family has drawn names. We decided to stick with girls picking girls and boys picking boys. We figured it was easier that way... and lets be honest.. we wanted a girl to pick out our gift instead of a boy!! David got Dad's name this year and WAY back in Feb. we found this on a discount rack in Walmart. We bought it then and there and hid it away till Dec. It was one of the hardest things ever to not tell anyone about this!

*One thing about my family is that we don't have secrets from each other. We might say we do, but everyone knows everything.. so for me to go 10 mths and not tell anyone was a BIG deal!

My Dad is a HUGE Jack Bauer (24) fan! We figured this would be an awesome addition to his office!! It was a huge hit at Christmas and now has a place of honor in his office at the Church!!

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