Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Sorry for the lull in posts... we are now in Ontario ( praise the Lord) at Mom and Dad's and cause their computer is a tad bit slower than ours I won't be able to upload any pics for a while but I can fill you in on the happenings here... but I thought I would do that by handing out some awards!!!

Sunday night Madi started throwing up and by 5:30 she had thrown up every 15 mins and was throwing up blood so we took her into the hospital. They tried to get an IV in but were unsuccesful cause her veins were flat from being dehydrated, so they gave her some fluids orally and she perked up a bit. The blood was from a burst blood vessel in her throat from the puking.

None of the nurses were able to get a needle into Madi except for Mary Martin ( a friend of the family). They tried for almost 20 mins and poor little Madi had such bruises on her arms from the poking. Mary Martin walks in... first poke... SUCCESS!!!!

Lily only threw up twice but got really bad diarrhea. She still isn't 100 percent but is on the mend! She had 12 'dirty' diapers on Sunday ( yuck!!) But still was the happiest baby ever!

Needless to say... our first week was eventful!!! Everyone ( Sarah/Chris and their boys, Uncle John/ Aunt Nellie, Oma, Nathan ) is here and as of now ( tuesday 12pm) Sarah, Chris and Aunt Nellie are the only ones who have not gotten sick! We had a great time celebrating the church's 100th anniversary on Sunday with great lunch and program. Friday we celebrated with Mom and Dad as they were baptized here that the lake and then had a BBQ with about 80 people from the church.

We are headed into the Sault tomorrow for Lily to have an EEG ( at 1:30 eastern time). We had seen the Ped before we left and she was concerned with some shaking that Lily had started to do and wanted the test done. Because we were leaving for Ontario I called Mom and she was able to pull some strings and get the test for Lily here. We are hoping that it will be nothing but if it is something ( Infantile Seizures) they say that she will probably grow out of it and only be behind developmental to show for it. Please pray with us for the test and we will keep you updated!

Here's to a better second week!!!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Cameron River trip............

On Nana's and Papa's last day we took them out to the Cameron River for a picnic... it was so much fun and we got some really good pictures..

Lily and Nana

Ms. Lily bean

Madi and Nana

Madi LOVES watermelon!

Nana and Papa with their princesses!

New family pic!
Mama and her big girl!

My gorgeous parents

David diving into the frigid water.. can't believe he went swimming

Can't believe that my Dad went in either... way too cold for me

Scenery from where we ate our picnic.. so pretty

Dad contemplating life!

Papa teaching Madi how to "wash her hands" after lunch

My gorgeous Mama

My crazy husband... what a nut!

Nana's and Papa's visit....continued..

Here are some more pictures from our visit with Nana and Papa.... we had so much fun!

Nana bought Madi some Dora the Explorer figurines which Madi loved playing with. They fit a LittlePeople house I bought her at a garage sale last week, so its perfect! She was pushing this little car all around the living room!

She had a "village" of Dora figurines all set up under the couch and played like this for almost 30mins. , holding the couch material up with her head!

It had rained the night before, so I made sure she was wearing her boots and David was able to capture some really great moments with our camera!

Quality time with Nana and Papa

We went to the park one night and took along the sandtoys to play with. We were there for literally 2 mins and we were swarmed and eaten alive by mosquitos. We literally dumped the toys, picked them all back up , went down the slide once and ran back to the car. It was horrible...if the bugs are bad where you are, try to imagine them a little bit worse up here!

David fed Lily one day and this is how they looked when he was finished. She was so comfy!

We tried Lily in the highchair. But since she is a bit on the tiny side, at 8 months she still doesn't quite fit. But she is still really cute eh!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Nana and Papa's visit .... MADI AND PAPA

Dad and David took Madi for a walk one day while me and Mom stayed home with Ms. Lilybean. Madi found a bunch of flowers and.......

Stopping to smell the flowers.. she told Papa they smelled like berries so.....

He had to investigate.. (notice her pointing the flower out to her Papa)

Papa decided his little princess needed her very own flower.....

Stopping to smell the flowers

Walking with her flower and her Papa trying to step on their shadows!

My anniversary gift.....

Here it is... a picture of my new ring from David for our 5th anniversary. It is kind of blurry.. it is hard to take a picture of your hand while holding the camera with the other! When we got married I picked a wedding band but didn't totally love it. I loved the way it looked on the outside ( it was a small band with tiny diamond inset around the front of it ) but the band itself wasn't very comfortable. It wasn't one of those comfort band ones. Somehow David managed to get ahold of my engagement ring without me being suspicious and went to one of the jewellers in town and asked him to find a wedding band that would match mine. My diamonds on the engagement ring kind of go out beyond the band so he wanted something that would hug that without scratching. I think he did a fabulous job! I absolutely LOVE this ring. It is something I would have picked out myself. David would have had my engagement ring replated ( cause its white gold and turns yellowish after time) but knew that would make me suspicious so I had it done the day after I got my ring ( not yet when i took this picture!) I got it back on thursday and they look fabulous together!!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Birthday Canada (and Anne)!!!

We had such a great time at the Canada parade today.. the only thing that would have made it better would have been if David hadn't had to work and could have come with us! But I was glad to have Papa and Nina (Madi calls her Nana... Nina for some reason..but its cute!!)
The parade went right outside of our house ( you can see it in the picture with Nana and Papa and the girls... although we are at the back) so we didn't have to walk far!
Papa loved watching the parade with Madi cause that meant he got more candies cause he was sitting with a little cute kid!
We decided to wait and celebrate my birthday tomorrow when David doesn't have to work and the kids can be up when we have cake. I told Madi this morning that it was my birthday and she answered "it is my birthday to mama... I will share your birthday"....