Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Friday, June 06, 2008


June 3rd was David's birthday and this year he was off, so we had a super party and a great day all together!!!
(sidenote of interest: My sisters husband ( Sam ), and David both have the same birthday ( June 3 ) but also the same year (1980)...isn't that so freaky!)
When Madi woke up she saw all the streamers and balloons ( taboons, according to Madi ) and got super excited. She thought that it was "daddy and mani's birthday" and was so upset that I hadn't gotten her a present! So I quickly ran and pulled from my present stash and gave her something to open!!!

Opening "their" presents!

Helping Daddy open his presents ( notice her socks!! she picked out new ones the day before and proceeded to put them all on at some point in the next 24 hrs! she isn't even wearing matching ones at this point cause they were all over the house and she couldn't find the pairs!)

David and his birthday cake! I bought sparklers for it.. Madi thought it was so awesome ( sorry about no color.. i didn't realize the camera was set on B/W)

Enjoying the sparklers! When we sang "Happy Birthday" Madi sang "happy birthday to Daddy and Mani!" It was SO funny!

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