Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Monday, March 12, 2007

Madison and Daddy

David and Madi were looking out the window at the snow the other day and it made for a perfect photo op so I ran to get the camera! Madi saw me coming and started to point at me. I think it was a priceless picture!
I love this picture too! I had said "smile Madi" and she gave me a big toothless grin ( well she was 7 teeth..but it still seems toothless!) that was adorable and the promptly went back to banging on the window and "waving at the houses"!
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Barbie said...

I love these pictures....they are soooo cute. Especially the one where she is pointing.
Can't wait to see her

Anonymous said...

Anne, you caught priceless pictures!! You are becoming quite the shutterbug!!! So sweet! Love, Aunt Sheila