Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Toy box mishap!

Normally Madison doesn't really care about her toybox and for that matter even her toys..she much perfers her books but today for some reason she was all about the toy box.. She still wasn't really "playing" with the toys so much as pulling EVERYTHING out of the box and throwing it on the floor behind her! But while doing this she sort of SLIPPED into her toy box and had to be rescued!!

I almost got that little toy.. just a little farther...."

"Oh no... only one leg still out there.. oh no... i am not getting out of here without help!"

"Now.. what else can I throw out....??"


Loo said...

cute cute cute! i used to crawl into tiny places too. you should teach her hide and seek..and she better remember pound it and high fives.
can't wait to see you
love ya's

Anonymous said...

I wish I could wear footy pj's and play with toys all day! I outgrew my footies too soon, and my mom had to cut the feet off (apparently I loved them a lot...what i wouldn't give for a pair...