Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Monday, August 31, 2009

just something to tide you over...

I am not able to upload any of my pictures to my parents computer so I am going to have to wait till i get home to give you a 'REAL' update on our life!! We are having a blast here in BC and enjoying really warm temperatures. The girls are outside every day right after breakfast and play out there till supper time ( with water, bathroom and nap breaks of course!)and Caleb is doing great! He is sleeping almost through the night, we are up once to feed and then right back down... couldn't ask for a better baby!

We were able to visit with some friends of my moms out at their cottage and she sent me some pictures she had taken so I thought that I would share them with you all, to tide you over till I can get home!

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