Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My girls.......

Here are some pics from the last few weeks of my little girls!!!

My Lily!!!... she was going back and forth between David and I 'stealing' bites of cheesecake when David caught this amazing picture!!! She how mischievous she looks!!!

Another little monkey!

Lily in the bath! She was having a 'hate the bath day' so Madi thought she would make her feel better and make a soap sculpture on her head... you can tell by her face.. that it didn't go over well!!!

This is literally how my sweet little Madi sleeps. She used to have Ziggy ( the big giraffe ) at the end of her bed but decided that poor Ziggy needed to be under the covers, closer to her! The sad thing is that at least once a week I am woken up in the middle of the night to a little voice telling me to come into her room and cover up Ziggy cause he 'is getting cold with no covers'... numerous times I have wanted to say back to her 'he is made of stuffing.. i am sure that he will be ok'!!! But who could deny this little angel!

More christmas...

Ok.. this is the last pictures from our trip out west.... i promise!! Well unless I find some more that I love... and its my blog... so you'll just have to suffer through!!!

My little bean! When Mom and Dad watched Lily and Madi for the couple of days that David and I went down to the coast, Dad nicknamed Lily "Squeak" cause that is the only noises she made! Well.. ever since then that is what Madi calls Lily 75% of the time!! It is really cute and I kind of hope it sticks!

Nina made noodles for Madi that might have been a 'tad' to big!!

Madi and Auntie Laura!

Lily and Auntie Becky!

What you can't see is that Papa is sitting on the other couch in the exact same position as Madi reading his book!! Copy Cat!

Madi with Uncle Andrew!

Uncle Sam ( Becky's husband) with Lily!

My little Guitar Hero!

Uncle Andrew and Lily... she became SUPER attached to Andrew! It was really cute!

One of the like 8 puzzles we did!!

Nina reading Madi her bedtime story!

Uncle Sam feeding Lily.. click on the picture to make it bigger so you can see the face Lily is making. Not sure what was so funny... but she was killing herself laughing!

Sam and Andrew having an talk like 2 'old men'!... Check out their postures!

Our New Year's Eve spread!... YUMMY

On a sister's shopping trip woth our friend Shannon!

Lunch out on 'sister' day!

Making dinner one night!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some really good songs....

2 songs that I really loved listening to today!

Friday, April 24, 2009

winter fun....

I was looking back through my photos and realized that there were a bunch from our trip out west that I hadn't posted yet. I realize its been awhile since we were there and that most of you are probably enjoying spring weather and don't really want to look at "winter" pictures but since this is sort of a journal for our family I really need to post them! Bear with me! I hope to one day find the time to make my blog into a book for us and I need these pictures to be there!

Auntie Laura taking the girls for a sled ride at Nina's and Papa's

All bundled up...

Not so sure about all this winter gear!!

Digging holes in the snow with Auntie Becky

My mom and dad's house in the winter.. didn't they do a good job building it!

My little snowwomen!

If Madi didn't hold onto Lily, than she would slip down till she laying flat on her back. If we had been smart enough, we would have put something on the bottom to not make it so slippery!! But Madi did a good job helping out her sister!

Aunt Becky pulling the girls on a walk!

kind of cool.....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A conversation with a 3 1/2 yr. old............

On Sat I flew down to see my Mom and Dad ( more on that later) and since my flight left at 9 and I didn't have to be to the airport to early David said he would take me instead of having to pay for a taxi. We decided to just get the girls up and take them as is, and that David would just drop me off and he could get them dressed when they got back home. Madi was up before we had to leave and we had a good cuddle time on the couch while we waited to leave. I don't think she really understood that she was just going to drop me off at the airport but she figured it out! When it was time to leave I told her to get her boots on please and then......

Madi: " but mama... I am not wearing a dress"

Me: " Madi thats ok.. you have your pj's on and when you get home Daddy will help you put a dress on"

Madi: "but mama.. I can't go outside in pajamas.. I NEED to wear a dress."

the conversation continued out into the hall and down all three flights of stairs on our way to the car.

Madi: "please mama... I NEED to go and get a dress on... princess DO NOT wear pajamas "

Me: " But Madi, what do you think that princess wear to bed?....

Madi: "Oh Mama... they wear dresses to bed...... so I need to wear a dress too"

Me: .... "Madi please just come on.. its a special day and you can wear pajamas and then a dress when you get home! "

Once David told her that he was going to take her to the 'donut man' ( Tim Horten's ) after they dropped me off, then she moved on and forgot about her 'dress' and was ok!! It was hilarious though.. not to sure where she got the whole 'princessey' thing from though.. must be ingrained!

Raincoats and rainboots!!

Although it is hard to believe ( since while I am writing this post it is -8 with a windchill of -16 ) last week it was beautiful for a couple of days.. it even went above 0 people! WOOHOO!! The snow started to melt and we had puddles EVERYWHERE outside. I decided to get Madi a new pair of rainboots instead of trying to argue/convince her that jumping in the puddles was a bad idea! She loved them and wore them in the house for the first day but then never again cause they got all wet and muddy. But of course, her outfit wasn't complete without a raincoat and 'princess' dress! I don't know where she got it from but she has become quite the 'princess' in the last couple of weeks! When David saw her in the outfit, he said " all i can say is that I don't have epilepsy cause all those different patterns/colors would for sure send me into having some sort of episode... don't look directly at the little girl!"

Notice her new boots... so cute with the butterflys!

The whole gitup!

My beautiful girl!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

I am trying a new signature thingy... it is bugging me trying to figure it out.. what do you think? feedback please!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Easter Eggs!

I decided that this year I was going to try and do some Easter eggs with Madi. I wasn't too sure how it would turn out, cause she is fiercely independent and I could just imagine buckets of dye falling all over the place! But it turned out to be a lot of fun! She can't fully understand why she isn't allowed to play with them. I told her that we just look at them and she turned to me and said " I do not understand these things"!!! Out of the mouth of babes eh!

All set up and ready to start!

Dropping the first egg in the dye

Concentrating to hard on getting the stickers in the right spot!

Lining up all her eggs!

Talking to Nina on the computer while she decorated.. I think that was her favourite part!