Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lily's christmas....

Lily opening her present from her aunties/uncles. It is a boat with all these animals in it. It sings and makes noises when she pushes it. She loves it!
(although you wouldn't think so from her face!)

Checking out her boat. Whenever she is scared or shy about a situation she will look this way. She won't make eye contact with the new person and just look really scared.. what a silly goose!

She was so mad that I wouldn't pick her up. She needed to get used to all the people. And it was almost her bedtime! Look at that face!

"Seriously Mom, please pick me up"

Lily TOTALLY attached herself to Andrew this christmas. She was happiest when she was near him. As you can see here, she is over being grumpy!

Playing "Peek a boo" with Andrew. You can see his arm in the shot. He would cover his head up and she would zoom across the floor and pull it off his head and just laugh and laugh!

Playing with her best bud!

She even figured since he was her buddy that he should let her open his presents for him!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Madison's Vanity

All Madi's aunties and uncles went together and got Madison this really cool play vanity set for Christmas. Becky had called me while she was buying this and was laughing at the size of the box but I never imagined that it would be this big!!! It is really fun and she loves playing with it!

Opening her gift..

"wow..what is it?"

"I love it!!!"

Uncle Andrew helped put it together...

How many uncles does it take to put a hunk of plastic together?!

Uncle Andrew (Anne's brother) blow drying his hair!
(It makes noises and everything!)

Madi getting beautiful!

Painting her fingernails.

Painting Auntie Laura's fingernails!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas Day was a lot of fun. We got up around 8 and Madi rushed out to see if Santa had eaten his cookies and left a note. We opened presents slowly, put the turkey in , played with the toys and then all went to bed early cause we were off to BC the next morning really early!!

Reading her note from Santa

Opening presents.......

New Dora socks.....woohoo!!!

Lily opening her gifts..

Madi opening her Rose Petal Cottage. She loves it so much, always wants us to come and "visit"...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Our Christmas Eve

I realize it is over a month ago that we celebrated Christmas but I haven't posted about it yet so bare with me! We had a good Christmas Eve together as a family. David got sent home at 3 so that was nice that we were able to be together. We went to church in the evening and then came home and got to open ONE present! It is always PJ's! Then Madi put out her cookies, milk and carrots for the reindeer and Santa and the kiddlets were off to bed!
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Still here....

Don't worry faithful blog followers ( I am sure there at least 2 of you out there.... both my moms!) I am still here and alive. We had a wonderful CHRISTmas and visit with my family and are home safe and sound. I would have posted from my parents but its never the same when its not your computer and so I took a blogiday ( a blog holiday ). David heads back to work tomorrow, so after the kiddlets are in bed I will try my best to post about our holiday so you feel like you were a part of it!! Have a super day!