Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Saturday, May 31, 2008


Friends of ours lent us their Bumbo chair. Ihad seen them before but had never bothered to buy one cause they are expensive but borrowing one I am all for! Lily bean loves it! She can sit and play with her toys and see what is going on and she has discovered her toes! I don't think she realizes yet that they are attached to her!!! Too cute to watch

SIDENOTE: Lily laughed tonite for the first time. We don't have a video camera so I can't take a video but I will try and borrow one cause its so cute!!!


Monika said...

So cute! I love how she always sticks out her tongue!

Monika said...

Oh yeah, and I forgot to say I like your new layout/template too, I see you've changed it again!