Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

"I will catch you shadow"

We went for a walk the other day and Madison want to walk on the sidewalk with Daddy.. that was till she saw her shadow and then it was all about trying to catch it.. hours of entertainment!! As long as we have sun!
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Becky said...

That's so cute!
I hope she doesn't figure out the shadow thing before I come home and get to see you guys...I want to see it in person. Maybe we can chase them together :0)
Love you all!

Sarah, Chris, Ryan 'n Kieran said...

Ryan loves his shadow too - he often waves to it!! No chasing yet though.
I love the photos of Madi with her purse too - so cute.
Today Ryan was in nursery at church while I was at a thing, when I picked him up he was pushing a stroller with a baby doll in it!
Oh yeah, we were away when you called, but we're home now, call us back and we'll answer your question - don't have a phone card just now so can't call you.
Love Sarah

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Madi chasing her shadow!! I wonder what was going through her little mind?! So, so cute-her traipsing along with her little hat and jacket on!
Thanks for putting such great pics of your little family on your blog!!

Colleen said...

Oh, that's so awesome. I love it. Great pics!