Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Monday, May 28, 2007

Fun at the park

I can't believe that Madison would even crawl through this tunnel. She really suprised me. But I think that it helped to have Daddy to look through the holes at!!
She got a good kick out of looking at him and he got some good shots. Even though she looks super sad and depressed.. she really was having a good time!

"I will make it up the slide..... I will make it up the slide...." The look of concentration on her face was so cute!! She just didn't understand!
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Sarah, Chris, Ryan 'n Kieran said...

Ryan does the same thing - much more fun to climb up the slide than go down the slide . . . one of these days they'll get it!!
Looks like a fun park, is it near by?

Anonymous said...

Well, let's see.....did mom and dad have more fun at the park then Madi?
She looks so cute crawling and peeping through the tunnel!!! Love it!!

Becky said...

I love the pained look out the tube thingy...so funny!!! She was loving it, I'm sure, just not the camera attention...haha!
So cute!

Loo said...

she definately looked like she was stuck in prison in the one where she is peeping through the hole. so cute though!! and the jack bower coat...always a good choice!