Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Friday, September 25, 2009

Lazy days...

Nina and Papa have a hammock on their porch which the girls loved to swing in and read books!

Martha's Creek

Just outside of town in Revelstoke, is a glacier fed lake called Martha's Creek. It is bitterly cold but feels so nice after a hot day ( and after you work up the courage to go in!) We went there a couple of afternoons with the girls and everyone else. They loved it! There really wasn't a beach cause of all the logs piled up on shore but they still enjoyed exploring!

There was a log that shot out into the lake that we used to jump off of. If you did it this way, instead of slowing walking in, it was MUCH easier!!

Here is David jumping in!

Auntie Lala with both Madi and Lily out in the tube. Don't worry it might look like they are in the middle of the lake, but it is only about knee deep.

I think this is my favourite picture from Martha's.. They were a ways out, but it is so shallow.. it makes for such a cool picture!

Lily was SO relaxed!

The girls with Auntie Lala

All bundled up ready to go home!

She LOVED playing in the water

Auntie Lala and Madi. I loved how it looks like Dad and David are discussing the best way to get into the water in the background!!

Beanie with a pool noodle.. the thing is like 3 times her size!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jasper family picture

We decided to take the Jasper way to get to Mom and Dad's this summer. We had done it last time, when I was just pregnant with Madi and enjoyed the scenery so much that we thought it would be great to be able to show the kids that! We stopped just before the IceFields and had a women take our picture. As I was asking her, the thought crossed my mind that english might not be her first language but everyone seems to understand a camera thrust at them as " please take my picture". We positioned her so that we would all be in it, but slowly she started meandering to the one side.. I didn't think anything of it till later when I was back in the car checking out the picture.. CAN YOU SEE WHAT IS WRONG???

There is no Lily!! She is hidden in between Madi and me.. as the women angled over she got to the perfect spot to cut out our Lily... all that remains in a foot and her fuzzy blonde hair!! It is by far my fav family picture ever!!!

Madi and the kite.....

Nina had gotten a kite for Madi when we were there this summer. Madi LOVED it! She ran around that backyard for what seemed like hours flying that thing!

Auntie Lala was a big help getting it started!

Although Madison was a big fan... Lily on the other hand hated the kite. I am not exactly sure what scared her but she would have nothing to do with it!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Kiddies

Sprinkler fun

I had gotten a sprinkler as a shower gift when Madi was born and tucked it away for the day when we would have a backyard and be able to use it. Well, when I was organizing rooms before Caleb arrived I found that sprinkler and sent it home with Nina and Papa for when we came to visit.

It was super hot while we were there ( LOVED IT) and the girls were outside all day, everyday. We pulled it out one day and let them run around in it. Madi loved it, although it did take her awhile to warm up to it. Lily on the other hand, hated it and would only go through if someone was holding her!

This is about as close as Lily would get to the sprinkler. Nina had sent home some balloons and a pair of glasses for the girls and Lily carried hers around with her for days... even when she braved the sprinkler!


Lily with the glasses!

Running through with Auntie Lala (Laura)

Again with the balloons and glasses!!

Look who is smiling.......

Monday, September 14, 2009

Of nursery rhymes.....

How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?

Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!

Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,

River and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside--

Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown--
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!

Robert Louis Stevenson