Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Thursday, September 18, 2008


We have slowly started Lily on solids ( she has no teeth, which is making it hard to chew her solids!) and she loves bananas!!! She needs a bit of help picking them up but once she gets them in her mouth she LOVES them!!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

awww.. what a cutie! I love bananas too!
PS. re. your comment on my MGCC post.. I do have some more recipes that I will be posting..I don't have a favorite Celiac website, I'm sorry - I just keep looking everywhere and by trial and error find what works for me!!
I did find the Only Oats on line..and added the link on my post. So if your Mom can't find it in any local stores it is easily ordered. Here is the link to Only Oats http://www.onlyoats.ca/