Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Monday, September 29, 2008

Lost summer video!

I found this video the other day and thought I would add it to the blog!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

some random things.....

Madi would climb up on Lily's toybox and then wind up her bear mobile!! She thought she was such a help!

Who couldn't love a face like this eh!

My Madi!

Trying to sneak away!

Shaky self-portrait!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Just over a week ago, I decided that it was high time my "little" girl gave up her diapers! She wasn't so convinced and I swear she held in her "you know" all day until night time when she got a diaper on . We had a handful of accidents but then one day ( about 3 days in) she decided she was ready and has used the potty ever since. Except for a night. But she tells me everyday ...." in 4 days Mama, I will wear underwear to bed..." So its coming too!!! What a relief to be out of diapers ( for the most part) I am so proud of my "big" girl!!

My tattoo....

These pictures are WAY overdue. When I went to Vancouver in May, I got an early birthday present. I got my second tattoo. I had wanted to get something in honor of my 2 beautiful babies and had decided on something on my wrist ( the left one, cause thats got the vein that runs up to your heart) and had the artist draw something for me. I LOVE it and think it turned out great. It is of 2 hearts made out of veins and leaves. Madi likes to point at it and then say that one is for her and one is for Lily! There is even room to add more for when we have more kids!!!


ok... we lent our Lord of the Rings 1&3 to someone and never got it back and now we can't remember we who lent them to. They are the extended version. If you borrowed it and forgot to give it back.. all will be forgiven... just please can we them back!!! We are having a "craving" to watch them!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My trip.......

David sent me "home" to Revelstoke last weekend ( I left sat and came back tues). I TOTALLY SUPRISED my parents. I left here at 6am and then landed in Kelowna around 12pm and then rented a car and drove the 2hrs to Revelstoke. My parents where at the church for a "thing" and I just walked in and stood there till Dad finally saw me! Of course the second thing my mom said was "Where are the babies?".... I had such a great time.. Felt like I was an only child!! We went for some hikes, shot the pellet gun, ate huckleberries and had a fabulous time. I had thought about bring Lily because she is free but decided against and boy am I glad that I did. I ended up being delayed on the way home in Calgary for 5 hrs. and didn't get home till 3am and was supposed to be in at 10pm. It was a long time, and would have been awful with a baby...even though my Lily bean is a calm child!

Mama and Daddy at the Cedars walkway

Me and Mama on the way to a hike

The water was a bit high so we couldn't walk.. Dad was doing "You shall not pass" from Lord of the Rings!

Me hugging a giant cedar!

Someone took this of the three of us ( not the best photographer) but at least we have proof we were all together!

The path went through 2 big cedars. It was so cool.

Mama and me up a logging road looking over Revelstoke.
The three of us up the logging road.

Me with Revelstoke in the background.

I found ONE huckleberry...but boy was it good!

Off to another hike!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A conversation with Madison

Today Madi came up to me all serious like...

Madi: "Mama... girls have boobies right?"

Mama: "Yes Madi... girls have boobies."

Madi: "Mama... boys don't have boobies right?"

Mama: "No Madi,boys don't have boobies."

And off she ran to play... oh my curious almost 3 yr. old......

Thursday, September 18, 2008


We have slowly started Lily on solids ( she has no teeth, which is making it hard to chew her solids!) and she loves bananas!!! She needs a bit of help picking them up but once she gets them in her mouth she LOVES them!!!

My little bean......

While I was in B.C. ( more on that later ) David took care of the girls! He built Madi a fort out of blankets in the living room ( she LOVED it) but Lily wanted to try and get in... doesn't she look so mischievous!!!

My smart daughter.....

I have the smartest 2 1/2 yr. old that ever lived!! She has learned to write her own name... granted its not her full name but still.... AMAZING!!! ( obviously I wrote the top name... but she wrote the bottom!)
She LOVES writing M,A,I,D,N...... so so far she can write MAMA, MADI, NANA, DAD....she gets so excited when she writes them.
My fridge is COVERED with pieces of paper with the above mentioned letters all over them!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Teeter Toter Video!

This is way too cute!

Our Summer.....

I literally have 100's of pictures from this summer.. and although I am sure some of you would want to see them all (and I love you for that!) I figured it was best to cut it down some and give you a taste of our summer.

We spent 6 awesome weeks in Blind River ( ok.. the first 1.5, when everyone but Chris got sick wasn't so great.... but you get the idea) and did lots and lots of fun stuff.

The first week that we were there, Mom and Dad got baptized in the lake right in front of the cottage. We had the whole church over for a BBQ , and 3 other people from Church were baptized as well. It was so neat to be able to be there to be a part of that.

Blind River got a brand new kids park ( it was awesome) and Madi and Ryan loved it! Madi would sit and wait for Ryan to come and slide so they could slide together.. but Ryan was a bit fast..( he was usually at the bottom before she had time to push herself down)

Madi and Ryan discovered teeter totters at the park. It was by far their favourite thing to do. They would go up and down and then ask one of the dad's to shake them ( I have a video of that I will upload later!)


Grandma loving on Madi

We were able to be in Blind River to celebrate the Baptist Church's 100th Anniversary. They had a really good service on Sunday and the followed that with a yummy lunch and program. Madi got a little bored during the program but reading some Thomas books solved that problem!

Madi found a new friend in Bill Slater ( the Martin's son in law). He made a crown for Charlie ( the green frog and Madi's "best friend") and she loved it!

Mary and Beth Martin took some of the stars that were decorating the table and stuck them on Madi's cheeks. She loved it....and them too!

Lily is fascinated with her feet....case in point!

Madi learned to jump while we were in Blind River ( bet you never thought jumping was hard to learn... but it surprisingly is!) and she jumped everywhere!! Its been hard trying to get her to stop in the apartment.... sorry to the people below us!

We took the girls to Niagra Falls went we went down to Southern Ontario to visit family. I had never seen them during the day ( we went one night really late during one of my years at college...can't really remember why!)

Not the easiest to take a family photo... too many people walking by.. Lily was easily distracted!

Lily bean HATED wearing her hat this summer. She would try and pull it off and then suck on one of the ends.. she was so determined and usually got it everytime!

My Madi being a goof!

Lily wearing Grandpa's glasses!

Lily and Aunt J (Dad Mobach's sister)

Lily with Auntie Sheila ( Dad Eby's sister)

Lily with Uncle John ( Auntie Sheila's husband) She was fascinated with him!

She wanted the dog SO badly!

Me and my girls with my grandma ( their great grandma!)

Madi learning to crawl like a crab

Doing the wheelbarrow walk!

Getting thrown up in the air by Daddy

Me and my Madi on a really windy day!

Lily in "baby jail"!!! We had to put up a blanket to protect her from the wind. It was taking her breathe away!

Madi learning how to cook a hotdog from Grandpa

Me and Madi at the fire.

The girls in the boat!

Helping Grandpa blow out the candles on his birthday cake

If you click on this picture you can see how fast asleep Lily is!

Learning how to hold her bottle

Madison wanted to try everything new at the park.... gave me a heart attack a couple of times..but Daddy was there with a helping hand.

Lily with her Great Grandpa ( Anne's Grandpa)

Madi jumping off the dock. It took about 3 weeks for her to get the courage to do this, but then she loved it!

Me and Madi in the water

Lily was still small enough to have a bath in the sink!! She loved it!

Madi after a hard afternoon of swimming. Her lips were blue, she was shaking but boy did she have fun!!! She wrapped herself up in the blanket and watched a Veggie Tales while she warmed up!!!