Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Madi's second birthday

I know that I am so far behind on blogging but we are at my parents house and its been a bit crazy here. Mom was in the hospital for 4 days with a really bad back ( still a long recovery but at least she is home) my siblings were all home and our computer can't connect to my parents internet.... so all that makes for a long break between blogs.... I need to upload my pics from christmas but for now you will have to enjoy some pictures from Madi's second birthday. She is really into Thomas the train right now so I made her a fun cake and we watched a Thomas movie and she got a Thomas train track... she loves it... and so does her Daddy...not sure who loves it more!!

I promise to write more later!

Friday, December 07, 2007


This christmas season has been SO much fun... Madison is really excited about everything Christmas and I love that!! We took her to Canadian Tire just after the had set out a bunch of their christmas stuff and she saw one of those blowup plastic things that people put out on their front yards. This one was of a train and she loved it.. we stood infront of that train for almost 15 mins. Now everytime we even just drive by the entrance to CT she says.. "hi train, Mani see train please"... it is adorable.

Her newest passion is snowmen. The family across the hallway have a snowman that is on their doorknob. Everytime she sees it she runs up to it and says "hi snowman" and then "bye snowman.. see ya in the mornin"... it is adorable. She told me the other day that the snowman has "tarrot nose, hat on head, and buttons on the tummy..."... boy is she going to be excited when she makes a real one at Nana's and Papa's!!!

We have taken her out to look at lights too... another big hit with her! She eagerly exclaims at each overly decorated house... "oh wow.. lights pretty.... Mani see more lights now"...

It is so much fun to share this time of year with her and see it all through her eyes!


Ok... we have hit a milestone with Madison... it might not seem like such a big deal to everyone else.. but we were pretty impressed...

A couple of days ago I was making Davids lunch and had a little helper!!! Madison likes to "help" me in the kitchen and this day was no different!! I was grabbing an apple out of the fridge and Madi asked me for one. I told her that she would have to wait until Daddy left for work and then she could have one at lunch... of course being 2 years old the concept of waiting doesn't always work and she whined for an apple.. so I gave a whole one.. figuring that it would keep her occupied while I finshed making the lunch....

Lo and behold.. she but that apple to her mouth and took a huge bite! My baby girl can eat an apple not cut up!!! It might have taken her the better part of an hour to eat that apple but eat it she did.... just another milestone accomplished by my baby Madi!!
