Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Monday, July 02, 2007

My birthday gift!!

Isn't this the most beautiful watch you have ever seen... David bought this for me for my birthday. To say the least.. I was suprised! I had found this watch about 1.5 years ago and loved it. It was sort of a "someday when we have money it would nice to own a watch like that" watch. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would get it so soon. But he found a really good deal on it and totally suprised me. I love it so much.. I kept asking him all day " do you need to know what time it is?" and he would be like " I have a watch... oh yeah... you have a new one.. yeah.. tell me the time" and then laugh at me! I have the best husband ever!
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