Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin cookies

Madi has been wanting to make cookies all day , so when Lily went to bed it was finally "her" time! We made sugar cookies and cut them to look like pumpkins and then glazed them with orange glaze.. she had a blast

(sorry that the pictures are blurry..not sure what happened.)

Telling her sister all about the cookies she got to make while Lily was asleep... she rubbed it in!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pictures Anne. The one with Madi sitting on the counter with her feet all over it...rolling out the cookies is priceless...love it!!


Anonymous said...

Hope she is saving some for Grandma to try! Great pics of the little baker!
lily looked impressed!
Love Grandma