Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


We have potty success!!! Tonite Madi peed in the potty for the first time!! We made a huge deal about it.. I am sure she thinks we are crazy... she just looked at us and climbed right back into the tub!! She had done her thing and wanted to get back to playing with her water toys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are in Lavi which isn't far from the Sea of Galilee. We've been cut off from the computer world for 2 reasons: It was Shabbat which is the Jewish Sabbath and we are staying in an orthodox Jewish Kibutz. They shut down all computer access at sundown and now that it is sundown 26 hours later we can get back on. The other reason is our website doesn't seem to be working. When you get this note please pass it on to Michelle; Christopher, Anita, Sarah, Nathan, Danielle and Jacqueline. Thanks,

Everything here is great. Amazing sights and what a wonderful couple of days we had. First day Nazereth and Ceasarea Philippi, and Mount Carmel, Yesterday at the Lebanese border, the city of Dan (ruins), Golan Heights, see mount Hermon
Today was Genassereth and a boat ride on the sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Migdol where Mary Magdalene lived, where Peter was asked if he loved Jesus, Place of the loaves and fishes, Bethsaida and ended with the Mount of Beatitudes

Don't worry about the fighting reports they are way to the south in the Gaza strip which we are planing to avoid.

We've had good weather but very hazy it was very dificult to see across Galilee.