Other things may change us... but we start and end with FAMILY

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Madi and her babydoll

Mom had found one of our old cabbage patch dolls when she was unpacking at the new house and gave it to Madi to play with. She has never really had a doll before but took right to it....


Anonymous said...

I love watching Madi on video!! She is sooooooooo cute! I love how she hugs her baby-sling her right over the shoulder!!!! Love you, Auntie Sheila xoxo

Sarah, Chris, Ryan 'n Kieran said...

You know the scary little doll from Oma? Ryan still has his and most of the time he could care less about it, But every now and then he pulls it out and gives it a hug - the exact same way, over the shoulder!! Too funny!! Chris isn't a fan of the doll but won't let me buy him a less scary looking one so it's still around!!